Friday, October 26, 2012

The Voice

Yes I can, No you can't.
Yes I will, No you won't.

The continuous inward battle that goes on in the mind of the living. The constant push and pull to try harder, maintain the current pace or just give up.

These voices don't go away. They remain our constant companions all through our lives but the intensity of the voices vary based on our choices. The voice that wins over time often amplifiers its volume that it sometimes drowns out its opposer.

Every decision and action brings us in contact with the voices inside our head. The voice that tell us we can become much more than we see in our present or the one that says, this is as good as it gets - give up or accept.

The voice of reason as people call it, is often the safer option. Its the voice of self preservation and is always averse to risk taking. Don't get me wrong, the voice of reason has its uses and can get us out of tricky situations but it shouldn't become our default option.

The road of life is not paved of gold, it has its bumps along the way with its occasional potholes and possible ditches. Short of investing in a flying carpet, we will encounter these bumps. The question is, how will we be handle these obstacles when they come? Confront them or balk and shy away. The internal voice with the most power will more often make the decisions - but will that be the right decision?

To win in life we need the winning voice. The voice that tells you everyday you are a champion, you can do the impossible and that you are an unstoppable force. Believing that voice is a long term project that starts today. You need to school that voice and practice listening to it. For in you lies a latent champ waiting to be unleashed.

School the voice
Believe the voice
Act accordingly.


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