Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I say I forgave but I ask myself now, did I really?

If forgiveness is setting the person who wronged and hurt you free then why I do I still feel pain when I remember? I am plagued with this question as I am not sure if I am practicing true Christianity.

I want to forgive, I want to move on, I want to forget and I want to live pain free. But when will that happen?

What’s the gestation period? How do I know I am finally free?

I stumbled on some new information about things I was lied to about and I find I do not know how to react. I still feel pain and a fleeting moment of regret, and a certain wistful sadness when flashbacks come at the most unwanted moments.

I forgave and I make it a duty to say it out loud every day. Am I just trying to convince myself or have I finally and forever let it go?

I am confused.


  1. Funny I was just asking my self same question not too long ago! I say I forgive but d inability to forget d pains, questions d act of forgiving! SMH* Maybe its just too much to ask. After all ure no super human.

    1. Yes we are not superman but I guess we get better at forgiving over time. We need to exercise our forgiveness muscles so the act becomes easier.

      Forgetting is never easy and I think that's what makes us human not gods.
