Thursday, September 5, 2013

What Part of NO Don’t You Understand

I said no, I moved on and thought that was the end of it. Boy was I wrong.

Apparently when I said ‘No’ he heard ‘Give me time to think’.

My mind was further made up when on my way home he emphasized his jealous and possessive streak in his relationships. He was a go getter, focused and committed. If I were smarter, I could have read between the lines but I brushed it off.
Yesterday, I had 10 missed calls from Prince Charming. Yes 10, between the hours of 8am – 10am. Another 10 missed calls between the hours of 9pm and 10pm.

I finally picked at 10pm.

My ears were bombarded with a 5 minutes nonstop tirade.

“Why didn’t you pick my calls?”
“Why haven’t I heard from you?”
“Don’t you care about me? I have made my intentions known.”
“I’m old enough to marry and I want to marry you. Why are you not taking me seriously?”
“Is it because I don’t have money?”
‘Are you one of those girls that lead a guy on for a long time only to tell him later you don’t want a relationship?”
“Don’t you like me?”
“Your old enough to settle down so why are you playing games?”

It was all I could do to control myself. I have been practicing anger management and I was close to exploding when I thought, ‘he’s not worth it’.

"Hey Prince Charming, I don’t think you heard me the last time. I am not interested. I don’t think there’s a language barrier here. I don’t want to have a relationship with you and I don’t want to know you better. Leave me alone." Hope he gets it this time.
Help me out people, how else can a girl say NO?


  1. Nice one Big Joe,
    Some guys are sure desperate!

    Please say no, with a baseball bat and gerenades, he will get the message.

  2. If you've told him time without number and he continues, indulge him na. Play along. Raise his hopes...and then dash them.

    The only problem with playing along is that after a while, you might actually start to like him - that will be the day.

    1. Yeah right. I'm not falling for that trick o.

      I am letting my no remain a hard and solid NO.


  3. There's a setting on your phone called "bar call"

    1. Hmmm, My phone settings doesn't allow for single blocking. I'll try again.

